Soovitage teile
Níl Cruinniú Díolacháin...
Kümnes jaanuaris –11 Jan 2020 toimus Pekingis tulekindla pilve müügikohtumine 2019 –2020 koos loosungiga” Organ... -
Tionscadal Nua: CUMARSÁID...
Sásta a chloisteáil gur bhunaíomar caidreamh gnó leis an gconraitheoir agus chuir muid roinnt dár gcóras alára...

TANDA Development Pte.Ltd.
TANDA Development Pte.Ltd, a World's Leading
Fire Alarm
Solution Provider, specializing in
Research and Development, manufacturing, marketing and after-sales service of traditional fire alarm system and IOT wireless fire alarm system.
In order to satisfy its global partner’s requirement under the steady running system
the cutting edge technology
TANDA Development Pte.Ltd has established a sub-company TANDA UK LTD as a new R
D center in UK
. W
ith years of research and...
Kuum soovitus